This book documents the journey of the Israelites from the foot of Mt. Sinai to the land of Canaan. Each number has meaning: 40 is for the forty years in the desert; 12 is for the twelve tribes and twelve spies; 10 is for the number of spies that said, “We can’t”; 2 is for the minority of the spies who said, “We can!”
The straight, forward line on the left side begins the journey. The line then curves, swirls, starts and stops, and moves forward, backward, up and down to represent the unbelief and the wandering of God’s people. The pointed, jagged shapes symbolize complaining and agitated arguments with God.
In contrast, the straight line on the right side of the piece helps to show that the journey could have been shorter and easier if the Israelites would have trusted and followed God from the very beginning.